jump into our October specials
Hoochie Mumma Specials
FAMILY/CORPORATE special deal offers a huge saving
Huge saving of $600.
We are offering a 6 hour SWIM/BBQ/PARTY fun package. Book up to 5pm. Example 9am to 3pm or 10am to 4pm or 11am to 5pm.
Instead of $600 an hour, now $500 an hour plus a sausage sizzle provided with salads and bread rolls. BYO drinks.
Midweek Harbour cruise Savings of $400
Sydney Charter Boat special harbour cruise deal from Monday to Thursday.
Our rate for October is $600 an hour. However for Monday to Thursday we are offering a $500 an hour mid week special
That's a saving of $400 on a 4 hour cruise that can go towards food and drink for your boat party!
Sunday family funday special
Save $300.
What a way to start your Sunday. We are offering a 3 hour harbour cruise special, perfect for family and friends. The deal offers a $300 saving on normal charter cost. Normally $600 an hour for October, however offering $500 an hour for this deal.
9am to 12pm morning charter. Swim, eat, drink and relax then return by 12pm to enjoy the rest of your day.

Eclipse Special Deals
Midweek Special Save $600!
Sydney Charter Boat and Eclipse are offering for the first time this year, extraordinary deals on charter boat hire for October.
Our vessel hire rate for October is $1150 an hour. However for Monday to Thursday we are offering a reduced rate of $1000 an hour mid week special!
For your boat party, that's a saving of $600 on a 4 hour harbour cruise that can go towards food and beverages for the party!
Sunday Funday Special Save $450!
What a way to start your Sunday. We are offering a 3 hour harbour cruise special, perfect for family and friends. The deal offers a $450 saving on normal boat charter cost. Normally $1150 an hour for October, however offering $1000 an hour for this deal.
9am to 12pm Sunday morning charter. Pickup Darling Harbour, takes you on a harbour cruise and anchor in Rose Bay, eat, drink and relax then return by 12pm to enjoy the rest of your day.

Tulloch Wines Vivid Cruise
Enjoy 10 delicious Hunter Valley wines, matching canapés and a 4-hour Vivid cruise.

Sea Museum Vivid Cruise From $70
Hire the Eclipse for an exclusive charter of the Vivid Sydney Festival

Exclusive Vivid Cruise
Hire the Eclipse for an exclusive charter of the Vivid Sydney Festival